“The Joy of Namo Amida Butsu,” Hoonko 2016

Bishop Eric Matsumoto in ministerial robesBishop Matsumoto delivered the dharma message at Hawaii Betsuin’s Ho’onko service (Shinran Shonin memorial service) on January 9, 2016.

In the message, the Bishop highlights the sense of a new beginning with the accession of our Spiritual Leader, the 25th Gomonshu, His Eminence Kojun Ohtani. He notes how the 24th and 25th Gomonshu have encouraged us to change and adapt to changes in society, setting about the great task of identifying what is essential and what can be changed. Bishop also cites our own Hawaii theme and slogan for 2016, which is Embrace Change: New Vision (Create Engagement).

Bishop lists several teachings of the Buddha that can guide us in the challenging process of change, emphasizing personal growth and development as the greatest change which has to take place. If we listen deeply, “becoming even more Dharma centered,” we will better embody the teachings in they way we think, speak, act, and interact with each other as we carry out the programs and activities of our temples.

Please enjoy Bishop Matsumoto’s 2016 Ho’onko message to Hawaii Betsuin.