Event details
- Saturday | April 30, 2022
- 9:00 am - 11:00 am
- Online via Zoom
- (808) 625-0925
Sponsored by the Honolulu & Oahu Hongwanji Councils and the Office of Buddhist Education
Building Sangha Together:
Nurturing Dharma – Centered Communities
Saturday April 30 | 9a – 11a (HST)
with Reverend Blayne Higa
Kona Hongwanji Buddhist Temple
Community has always been a strength of Shin Buddhism in America. Innovative and responsive community building grounded in the Dharma has enabled temples to thrive for more than a century. However, the traditional ways of building Sangha have been less effective as we face new challenges during this time of pandemic. Rev. Blayne will explore what it means to be Sangha in today’s world. How do we journey together as spiritual friends? And how can we nurture an authentic community of fellow travelers inspired by the Buddha’s teachings? Participants will have an opportunity to cultivate Sangha through a facilitated group discussion.
- 9:00am – 9:05am:
Welcome - 9:05am – 9:45am:
Guest Speaker Rev. Higa - 9:45am – 9:55am:
Q & A Session - 9:55am – 10:00am: Break
- 10:00am – 10:30am:
Breakout Group Discussion - 10:30am – 10:55am:
Breakout Group Sharing - 10:55am – 11:00am:
Closing - Until 11:30am:
Free “Talk Story” Time
REGISTRATION IS FREE | Deadline April 22, 2022
Please note that the seminar will be recorded & uploaded. If you do not wish to be shown, please keep your video off during the seminar.

Online: You may register online using a Google form at https://forms.gle/4ShPw8emshpmm9Sm8.
By mail: Or, you may print and mail a registration form to:
Attn: Nembutsu Seminar
P.O. Box 893308
Mililani, HI 96789
Donations are welcome and will be designated for Buddhist Education.
You may donate online or send a check with your registration form. Please make checks payable to Oahu Hongwanji Council.
Please visit our Dharma Hub for more educational offerings: bschawaii.org/calendar
Please contact Mililani Hongwanji office (808) 625-0925.