We are pleased to report that the original musical inspired by the life of Sadako Sasaki, Peace on your Wings, North America Premiere Shows in Los Angeles were highly successful. Peace on your Wings did 3 shows at Aratani Theater which has an 880 seat capacity at the Japanese American Cultural & Community Center in Los Angeles on Friday, September 18 and Saturday, September 19, 2015. The daytime show was sold-out and the 2 night shows also had large attendances.
All 36 cast members performed magnificently. A full orchestra (which included 6 musicians from Hawaii) played the beautiful original music. The newly designed set and wonderful sound crew greatly enhanced the performances. Peace on your Wings received standing ovations from the audience at every show. They also received many positive comments from attendees.
Peace on your Wings started as a Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii 125th Anniversary projected based on an idea of having a musical that would travel the State of Hawaii by Bishop Eric Matsumoto and the brilliance of Ohana Arts’ Founders, Jenny Taira, Laurie Rubin and Cari (Taira) Lee. Thanks to many Honpa Hongwanji temples, ministers and members’ support, Peace on your Wings Premiere on Oahu and also the Neighbor Island Tours were successfully completed.
This Los Angeles Tour was not a Hongwanji project—Ohana Arts, Japanese American Cultural & Community Center in partnership with Helen Bing presented this North American (Mainland) Premiere. However, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii still supported Peace on your Wings LA Tour as a major supporter. Gratitude to Kauai Hongwanji Council and Hawaii Island Hongwanji Council, Hawaii Federation of BWAs and other district and temple BWAs and other Hongwanji related organizations including Hongwanji Members who personally made contributions to support Peace on your Wings.
Okagesama de, the message of world peace by Ohana Arts’ Peace on your Wings could reach audiences on the Mainland. Thank you very much for your support of Peace on your Wings and world peace!
– Yoshiko Umitani, Hongwanji Hawaii Headquarters