Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii announces the following updates to ministerial assignments:
Rev. William Masuda, a retired minister of the Buddhist Churches of America, will be assigned to Makawao Hongwanji Mission as its resident minister as of February 1, 2016. This will be a temporary assignment (at least 2 years) as an Assisting Minister under the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii State Headquarters with Rev. Toshiyuki Umitani, the Executive Assistant to the Bishop, as supervisor.
Rev. Tatsuo Muneto, who has recently retired from the active ministry as of December 15, 2015, will be recognized for his years of service to HHMH and retirement at the Giseikai Aloha Luncheon and the Living Treasures Recognition Program which will be held at the Hilton Hawaiian Village on February 13, 2016.
Rev. Blayne Higa will be relieved from the position of Assisting Minister of Moiliili Hongwanji Mission as of January 15, 2016 to continue his education and training at the Institute of Buddhist Studies.
February 2016 Update: Rev. Jay Shingo Okamoto, the Resident Minister of Waipahu Hongwanji Mission and also the Oversee Minister of Ewa Hongwanji Mission and Waianae Hongwanji Mission, will resign from Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii as of March 31, 2016. During the absence of the resident minister after April 1, 2016, ministers of Oahu District are tasked with providing spiritual care such as conducting funeral services, memorial services, Sunday services, etc. and also provide guidance at meetings and any other gatherings for Waipahu Hongwanji Mission, Ewa Hongwanji Mission, and Waianae Hongwanji Mission.