On Wednesday, August 9, the Three-Petals Peace Partnership — the Quaker Friends, Newman Center (Catholic), and Buddhist Study Center — joined with Hawaii Betsuin for the 8th annual candlelight peace walk to the Nagasaki Peace Bell near Honolulu Hale.
The event was held on the 72nd anniversary of the atomic bombing of Nagasaki and expresses aspirations for another year without nuclear aggression. Ministers led the walk, which followed a screening of Gate: The Atomic Flame and a candle-lighting ceremony in the hondo.
For press coverage, see Peace walk remembers Nagasaki bomb amid new fears in the Star-Advertiser.
Photo: Pictured in robes from left to right are Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Rimban Toyokazu Hagio, and Reverend Joshin Kamuro. Photo by David Atcheson; more photos at hawaiibetsuin.org.