Call for Submissions
New five-year theme: Building Healthy Sanghas
2020 Slogan: Embracing Generosity and Openness
The Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii (HHMH) Calendar Committee invites individuals and groups to provide photos for the Hongwanji calendar. The photo will need to be able to be clearly enlarged. We welcome cell phone pictures as some now have the technology to take pictures to do so. You may submit more than one photo. For each, please include a paragraph describing how the picture relates to the 2020 slogan: Building Healthy Sanghas: Embracing Generosity and Openness.
Please encourage your temples and organizations to submit photos to us!
If you have questions, please leave a message for Yumi Suzuki at the Hongwanji Headquarters Office with Rev. Takahashi — (808) 522-9200 or hqs@honpahi.org.
For photo submissions, please submit directly to Alan Kubota at lenscapeshawaii@gmail.com. He will be able to respond to your technical questions. Thank you.
Please submit pictures that are landscape oriented (horizontal).
DEADLINE: Monday, September 23, 2019.