Virtual 58th Annual Lay Convention
“Dharma Visibility, Relevance and Engagement”
September 10-11, 2021
Hawaii State Federation of Honpa Hongwanji Lay Associations
Information about the Virtual 58th Statewide Lay Convention to be held on September 10-11, 2021 via ZOOM, is posted on our website at At the annual convention we work on efforts to promote the objectives of the association.
Among the objectives of this association are to unify member associations of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii, to serve as a representative body of all member associations and through deliberative sessions devise methods to assist in the operation of member temples, to promote perpetuation of Jodo Shinshu, to cooperate with all Buddhist Associations of the world, and to bring to realization the principles of Buddhism in our way of life.
The Friday Sept. 10th’ evening meeting includes the Business Session where delegates will vote on resolutions of appreciation and condolence, plus resolutions about organizational and business matters. The website Resolutions page provides details about deadlines and how to submit resolutions.
The schedule for Saturday Sept. 11th includes an opening service, Keynote Speaker Rick Stambul, a discussion panel about growing our Sanghas, and workshops relating to our theme of Dharma Visibility, Relevance, and Engagement. The website Workshops page gives details about the speakers, panelists and workshop leaders along with their topics and the schedule.
Temples are allowed to have any number of observers and guests. But the number of voting delegates is prescribed by the Lay Association’s convention rules and regulations. Temple delegate counts are listed on the Delegates page.
If you are a member or friend of a Hongwanji temple and would like to attend the virtual convention, the cost is $10 per person, which includes the downloadable .pdf version of the convention booklet. An optional printed convention booklet costs an additional $5. Please work through the contact person for your temple to register and pay for your convention attendance. The registration form and additional details are on the Registration page.
If you are not affiliated with a Hongwanji temple in Hawaii, you are welcome to register as an “Unaffiliated Guest” in place of a temple name on the registration form in order to attend the Saturday session for the $10 registration fee.
Registration deadline has been extended to August 31, 2021.
Maui’s United Lay Association looks forward to seeing you at the convention!