The fifth edition of the statewide newsletter, Ka Leo Kāhea (The Calling Voice), is now available online as a PDF file (1.6 MB).
Content in the December 2022 edition includes:
- Compassion in Action: Honoka’a Hongwanji adopts five Ukrainian families
- Honpa Hongwanji Judo Federation
- A New Monto Shikisho is available at HHMH Bookstore!
- HHMH Living Treasures 2023
- Bishop’s Corner: Thank You for Your Kokua Dana!
- Let us recite the Nembutsu just as we are
- Ministerial Training Fund (MTF)
- President’s Message: Taking Time to Appreciate the Dharma
- The Ocean Connects Us!
- HHMH Issues Statement on the Right to Reproductive Freedom
- Hiroshima Commemoration and Peace Service Returns Successfully
- Interfaith Peace Gathering at Nagasaki Peace Bell in Honolulu
- 2022 Nembutsu Seminar Held in Hilo
- 2022 Spring Imperial Decoration Awarded to Mr. Arthur Katsumi Taniguchi
- Kapa‘a Hongwanji celebrates 100 years
- Pacific Buddhist Academy Celebrates 15th Lighting Our Way Banquet
- “Green Dreams” for an Earth Touching Sangha
- Mahalo to Our Donors!
- Windward Mall Bon Dance Festival Attracts Huge Crowd
- In Memoriam: Rev. Sandra Sanae Hiramatsu (1950-2022)
- Kapa’a Receives Interfaith Alliance Hawaii Award
If you have any questions, please send an email to