Event details
- Monday | June 5, 2023
- 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm
“Shinran’s Challenge:
A Shin Buddhist in the 21st Century”

The Buddhist Study Center (BSC) is pleased to offer its 49th Annual Summer Study Session in person and online, June 5-9, 2023 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. (HST). The featured speaker is Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji, minister of Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church.
The format for each evening includes a lecture by Rev. Miyaji and question-and-answer time. Brief services are presented on the first and last days of the session.
Themes of Summer Session 2023
What does a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist look like? It is a difficult question to answer. However, if we go back and investigate the works of Shinran Shonin, there is a wealth of suggestions and themes presented by our founder. He enables us to envision what the Jodo Shinshu Buddhist identity looks like, even today. Shinran Shonin is challenging every one of us to think about what it means to be a Jodo Shinshu Buddhist.
As the American Buddhism movement develops, there is a growing challenge to sustain the teaching brought to us by Shinran Shonin. Let us delve during this weeklong session into these suggestions and themes to have a better understanding of being a Shin Buddhist in the 21st Century.
Registration and Donations
Free registration required to receive Zoom link or attend in person
Please visit http://bit.ly/bscsummersession2023
Or, contact the BSC Office at (808) 973-6555. Please register by Saturday, May 27, 2023.
Suggested tax-deductible donation
5 sessions $50, single sessions $10. Online at http://bit.ly/hhmhdonate. Or, via check made out to HHMH and mailed to the BSC at 1436 University Ave. Honolulu, HI 96822. Please note BSC Summer Session on the memo line of your check.
Summer Session 2023 Schedule
About Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji
Since August 2020, Rev. Miyaji has been the minister of the Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church. In addition to his ministerial duties, he teaches at the Institute of Buddhist Studies located in Berkeley, California.
Rev. Dr. Miyaji graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy and Japanese language and literature. He received a master’s degree in Buddhist Studies from the Institute of Buddhist Studies in Berkeley, California. Rev. Miyaji received a master’s degree in Shin Buddhist Studies and completed the doctoral coursework at Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan.
About BSC Summer Session
The BSC Summer Session held its first classes in 1974 with Dr. Alfred Bloom and Dr. Mokusen Miyuki. For over 40 years, distinguished teachers including Dr. Taitetsu Unno, Rev. Gyomay Kubose, Dr. George Tanabe, Prof. Takamaro Shigaraki, Dr. Mark Unno, Rev. Ruth Tabrah, Dr. David Matsumoto, Rev. Marvin Harada, and Rev. William Masuda have shared their knowledge and perspectives on the Wisdom and Compassion of the Teachings of Buddhism.
Questions? Please call the BSC office at (808) 973-6555.
Buddhist Study Center (BSC)
1436 University Avenue
Honolulu, HI 96822