Event details
- Saturday | September 24, 2016
- All Day
- Hawaii Betsuin 1727 Pali Highway Honolulu, HI 96813
Join us for the sixth Choralfest of the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii!
The event will be held at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin in Honolulu, Hawaii and takes place over two days. Saturday is rehearsal and fellowship for singers and Sunday is a music service for all to attend and enjoy.
Saturday, September 24
Singers from all Hawaii temples, plus a few from Japan and BCA, will assemble at noon on Saturday for an afternoon of rehearsal, followed by a welcome banquet at night. (Close of registration for singers is April 30, 2016.)

A special music service open to all to enjoy the combined voices of many Hongwanji singers.
Selections this year will include “Touched by Kindness (Shiawase ni deattara),” “Entrusting Heart (Marui kokoro),” “Buddha’s Great Light,” “Where Oh Where? (Hotokesama wa),” “How Happy I Am (Go on ureshiya),” and “Gratefulness II (Ondokusan).”
The festival choir will be conducted by Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Living Treasure Nola Nahulu.