Event details
- Saturday | April 16, 2016 to Sunday | April 17, 2016
- All Day
- Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin - Sangha Hall 398 Kilauea Avenue Hilo, Hawaii 96720
A state-wide Dharma Convention — “Touched by Kindness” — will be held on April 16-17, 2016 at the Honpa Hongwanji Hilo Betsuin. This event is sponsored by the Hawaii Island Hongwanji Council and the Hawaii Island United Buddhist Women’s Association. The convention is for anyone over the age of 12 who wants to share Buddha’s teachings.
Featured speakers for the convention are Hawaii County Mayor Billy Kenoi, and Honpa Hongwanji mission of Hawaii Bishop Eric Matsumoto and President Pieper Toyama. Participants can select from 6 different workshops. The cost for a one-day session is $20.00 (includes lunch) or $45 for a two-day session.
For more information, see the announcement and attachments on the Hilo Betsuin website. Registration deadline is 3/5/16 — see your minister or temple president or contact Jane Iida at jyiida@gmail.com.