Event details
- Thursday | April 25, 2024
- All Day
Eshinni Day honors the wife of Shinran Shonin and her dedication to Shinran. The observance was established at the 1978 World Buddhist Women’s Convention in Sao Paulo, Brazil, with donations collected on the day to help youth activities.
Eshinni and Kakushinni images before that altar at Hawaii Betsuin
Subsequent World BWA conventions added new dimensions to the observance. At the 1986 convention in Japan, the BWA world federation designated Eshinni Day as World Peace Day. In 2002 (Sau Paulo, Brazil), the federation celebrated and honored the life of Kakushinni, the daughter of Shinran and Eshinni. Kakushinni was Shinran’s caregiver in his later years who, ten years after Shinran’s passing, established a Memorial Hall for his remains.
Each year, on or around April 25, special religious services are held in honor of both Eshinni and Kakushinni and contributions are made to temple youth organizations.