Event details
- Sunday | January 17, 2021
- 11:00 am - 11:15 am
- Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii YouTube channel
HFBWA Celebrates the Life and Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
Video Produced by the Hawaii Federation of Buddhist Women’s Associations
Premieres Sunday, January 17, 2021 at 11 a.m. HST on YouTube
In addition to joining us online for the video premiere, HFBWA suggests the following…
Additional Activities to Remember the Legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.
- Place a Lei of Peace made of origami cranes on your temple’s Shinran Shonin statue.
On March 21, 1965 during the historic Selma March, Dr. King and other civil rights leaders wore Hawaiian flower lei, a gift of Aloha and support sent by Rev. Abraham Akaka. The origami crane has been a symbol of peace and the lei an expression of Aloha. Dr. King advocated for peace and nonviolence towards his dream of equality and justice. As Buddhists we align with those beliefs and make lei of origami cranes to express our wish for peace.v - Put up Posters made by Dharma School students and temple affiliates.
Many of Martin Luther King Jr.’s quotes mirror Buddhist teachings. A display of posters reminds all us of this. - Share your MLK activity photos on social media using #MLK2021BWA
Adding the hashtag #MLK2021BWA when you upload photos and videos to social media will help highlight the BWA presence in remembering Dr. King and our involvement in the greater community. - Sponsor a Local Food Bank Monetary and Non-Perishable Food Drive.
Addressing hunger was a key part of the Poor People’s Campaign being organized by Dr. King and allies at the time of his assassination in 1968. The emphasis was on systemic change, but in this urgent time of need one thing we can do is support food banks — among the hero institutions in our communities.