Event details
- Saturday | June 9, 2018
- 9:00 am - 12:00 pm
- Buddhist Study Center, 1436 University Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822
- Hawaii Betsuin office: (808) 536-7044
with Dr. Jeff Wilson
“Buddhist Influences in American Culture”
About Jeff Wilson
Dr. Jeff Wilson is a Professor of Religious Studies and East Asian Studies at Renison University College, in Waterloo, Ontario. Dr. Wilson is the author of many books, including “Buddhism of the Heart: Reflections on Shin Buddhism and Inner Togetherness” and “Mindful America: The Mutual Influence of Buddhist Meditation and American Culture.” A member of the Toronto Buddhist Church, he received tokudo ordination in 2012 at Honpa Hongwanji-ha in Kyoto.
Dr. Wilson is currently on sabbatical from Renison University College. He is teaching and doing research where he is the professor of the Numata Program in Buddhist Studies at the University of Hawaii at Manoa. In the US, Numata academic chairs have also been established at five well known universities. The Numata Program is directly funded by Bukkyo Dendo Kyokai or BDK.
Registration Information

Please complete and submit this form with registration fee to Hawaii Betsuin Office.
Registration Deadline: June 5, 2018.
For more information, please call Hawaii Betsuin Office at (808) 536-7044.