Event details
- Friday | November 18, 2022
- 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
- Via Zoom (register for link)
Kauai Hongwanji Council Nembutsu Seminar
A Look at Shinran Shonin’s Life and Thought
With guest speaker Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji
Friday, November 18, 2022
5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (HST)
~ onlne via Zoom ~

Shinran Shonin, the founder of the Jodo Shinshu school of Buddhism, sought enlightenment while practicing as a Tendai monk on Mt. Hiei. But as we look at the various episodes that develop in his life, we will come to see how he gradually turns over to the Great Working of Amida Buddha. How did this happen? What does this mean? What can it mean for us?
In this seminar, Rev. Miyagi will provide possible interpretations as to how certain events in Shinran’s life helped to shape his religious thought. In addition, we will look at some of his writing to see what are the key points in his teaching, which will bring forth to light just how significant his contribution was to the development of Buddhism as a whole.
Registration is free, but required.
The stated registration deadline is November 11, 2022. However, the registration form may still be available and registrations may still be accepted after the deadline.
Registration link: https://forms.gle/52xuXUfLduCuXh1PA
The maximum capacity is 100 people, first come, first served. We will email you a Zoom link three days prior to the seminar.
When you complete the seminar registration, you will receive an automatic confirmation email from Google forms.
Donations can be made to the Kauai Hongwanji Council. Please make a check payable to Kauai Hongwanji Council and send it to Lihue Hongwanji Mission 3-3556 Kuhio Highway, Lihue, HI 96766.
About the Speaker
Rev. Dr. Takashi Miyaji is currently a minister at Southern Alameda County Buddhist Church since August 1, 2020. In addition, he teaches at the Institute of Buddhist Studies located in Berkeley, California. His previous assignment as a minister was at Tacoma Buddhist Temple from December 2017 to July 31, 2020.
He graduated from the University of California at Berkeley with a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy and Japanese language and literature, Institute of Buddhist Studies at Berkeley, California with a Master’s Degree in Buddhist Studies, Ryukoku University in Kyoto, Japan with a Master’s Degree in Shin Buddhist Studies, and completed the doctoral coursework at Ryukoku University. He specializes in the areas of Japanese Buddhism and religion, translation of Buddhist scripture, and Jodo Shinshu doctrine and ethics.
Rev. Miyaji received his Tokudo and Kyoshi qualifications at the Honpa Hongwanji school located in Kyoto, Japan. He also obtained the academic ranking of Hokyō recognized within Hongwanji. He most recently completed his doctoral dissertation entitled, “Shin Buddhist Ethics,” through Ryukoku University.
For further information, please contact:
Kapaa Hongwanji at (808) 822-4667,
West Kauai Hongwanji at (808) 335-3195, or
Lihue Hongwanji at (808) 245-6262