Event details
- Thursday | February 8, 2018
- 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm
- Hawaii Betsuin Social Hall
The evening before the annual Honpa Mission of Hawaii Legislative Assembly (or Giseikai), ministers and delegates have the opportunity to gather at the Hawaii Betsuin Social Hall for a “rap session.” This is an opportunity for facilitated sharing and discussion of one or more important issues for our Hongwanji community to consider.
For example, in 2017 the topics were 1) ideas from the Reorganization Committee, 2) how to share Shin Buddhist teachings with our friends, children, and grandchildren.
Registration for the rap session (which includes a meal) is through your temple or association and handled along with registration for Giseikai and the Aloha Luncheon and Living Treasures of Hawai’i™ event.
[ending time is estimated]