Rev. Dr. Nobuo Haneda Joint Seminar (day 1)

Event details

  • Friday | April 13, 2018
  • 6:30 pm - 8:30 pm
  • Buddhist Study Center, 1436 University Ave., Honolulu, HI 96822
  • (808) 973-6555

Joint Buddhist seminar sponsored by Higashi Honganji and Honpa Hongwanji:

Shakyamuni Buddha and Shinran:
Buddhism as the Teaching of Self-Examination

with Rev. Dr. Nobuo Haneda, Maida Center of Buddhism

Rev. Haneda smiling at podium, gestures at blackboard

Shakyamuni (ca. 469-380 BC), the founder of Buddhism and Shinran (1173-1262) lived in their respective social and religious environments. Their teachings seem different, i.e., they used different terminology and expressions in their teaching. Some Buddhist scholars, in fact, claim that Shinran’s teachings are historical deviation from the original teachings of Shakyamuni. I, however, believe that their teachings are basically the same; they focused on one issue of self-examination.

Rev. Dr. Nobuo Haneda Biography

  • 1946 Born in Nagano, Japan.
  • 1968 Read Shuichi Maida’s work and became interested in Buddhism.
  • 1969 Graduated from Tokyo University of Foreign Studies.
  • 1971 Studied under Revs. Gyomei Kubose and Gyoko Saito.
  • 1979 Received Ph.D. from University of Wisconsin.
  • 1979 Lecturer, Otani University, Kyoto, Japan.
  • 1981 Lecturer, Buddhist Educational Center, Chicago, IL.
  • 1984 Head Professor, Institute of Buddhist Studies, Berkeley, CA.
  • 1987 Researcher, Numata Center, Berkeley, CA.
  • 1997 Director, Maida Center of Buddhism, Berkeley, CA.


  • Friday, April 13: (1) 6:30 p.m. – 8 p.m
  • Saturday, April 14: (2) 9 a.m.- 10:30 a.m. (3) 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
    (4) 1 p.m – 2:30 p.m. (5) 2:45 p.m. – 4:15 p.m.


Send registration form with $20.00 fee payable to Higashi Honganji. Please send to: Higashi Honganji, 1685 Alaneo Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.

If you have any questions, please contact your local temple or these offices at:
Honpa Hongwanji (Buddhist Study Center): (808) 973-6555
Higashi Honganji (Hawaii District Office): (808) 531-1231