October 2024 Event

For more information, please see the media advisory (10/17/24).
Kagirinaki Ai To Jihi: Toward LGBTQ+ Equity & Inclusion in Hawaiʻi’s Japanese Communities (Oct. 25, 2024, 6:30 PM @ JCCH)
Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawai‘i Office of Buddhist Education, Honpa Hongwanji Hawai‘i Betsuin, Honolulu United Buddhist Women’s Association, Japanese American Citizens League Honolulu Chapter, Japanese Cultural Center of Hawai‘i, & Lei Pua‘Ala Queer Histories of Hawai‘i hosted a public event aimed at highlighting the historical contributions Japanese in Hawaiʻi have made in the struggle for LGBTQ+ rights and equality.
Photos by Alan Kubota, Lenscapes Photography. A video of the event by Hawai‘i Betsuin is in the works.
Buddhism & Coming Out
A 2023 brochure from Hongwanji Hawaii with Q&A, challenges, reassurance, and resources as one contemplates coming out.
Supplementary Resources
Visit the Google Doc at http://honpahi.link/COrsrcs for resources that supplement the Buddhism & Coming Out brochure.
Workshop/Panel Videos
“Diversity & Acceptance in Buddha’s Vow” with Rev. Ko’e A. Umezu, an edited video recording of a Nembutsu Seminar presented August 12, 2023 both in person at the Buddhist Study Center in Honolulu and online via Zoom.
“LGBTQIA+ 101,” an educational session for both the Hongwanji community and the community at large on April 22, 2023. The main presenter was Camaron Miyamoto, Director of the UH Mānoa LGBTQ+ Center. Members and families of the LGBTQIA+ community connected to Hongwanji were panelists. The video comes from the Zoom recording.