A dharma talk by Bishop Eric Matsumoto at the March 22, 2020 online service coordinated by the State Ministers Association and livestreamed from Hawaii Betsuin (our first online-only service during the coronavirus outbreak). Guided by Wisdom and Compassion; a Balanced Perspective Aloha Kakou and welcome to this virtual Hawaii Betsuin Spring Higan Service. My deepest […]

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“NAMO AMIDA BUTSU AND HAPPY NEW YEAR!” At the start of the New Year, let me begin by expressing my deepest appreciation and gratitude to the entire Sangha and Friends of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii who have supported our Organization for over 130 years in Hawaii. It is because of Amida Buddha’s Great Wisdom […]

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Building Healthy Sanghas: Embracing Generosity and Openness Every year, over many weeks, five individuals gather to discuss, ponder, select, write, and review. And the result of their efforts is the Hawaii Kyodan Calendar that will be distributed soon. Alan Kubota, Stephan Doi, Yumi Suzuki, Rev. Kazunori Takahashi, and Bishop Eric Matsumoto toiled mightily to bring […]

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Speakers and Rimban at Mary Foster Appreciation Service 2019: Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Venerable Dhammamuni Mahathero, Venerable Ayya M. Vimala, Rimban Toyokazu Hagio, and temple president Dexter Mar. Mary Elizabeth Mikahala Robinson Foster Remembrance Service Message By Bishop Eric Matsumoto December 15, 2019 | Hawaii Betsuin Aloha Kakou and Good Morning. I, too, would like to […]

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Aspiration and Reflection at VegFest Oahu 2019 Bishop Eric Matsumoto September 21, 2019 As we gather at Vegfest Oahu 2019, illuminated by Amida Buddha’s nurturing Light of Wisdom and Compassion, let us deeply reflect. A prominent Buddhist Spiritual Leader (His Eminence Monshu Emeritus Koshin Ohtani) shares, “All things on earth, all things in the universe, […]

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Message from “Bishop’s Corner” HQ Update Newsletter August 2019 As Peace Day in Hawaii (September 21st) approaches and our various Hongwanji Shin Buddhist Temples prepare to spread the important message of peace, harmony, non-violence and reconciliation, and other community organizations also observe remembrances related to World War II in August and September, I would like […]

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Bishop Eric Matsumoto delivered a Dharma message at the 3rd Obon Service hosted by Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii at the site of the Honouliuli Internment Camp on August 14, 2019. The camp, located near Waipahu on Oahu, held Japanese Americans and also Italians and Germans during World War II. This camp was the only […]

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2019 Nagasaki Peace Walk Aspiration

Aspiration by Bishop Eric Matsumoto Annual Peace Walk from Hawaii Betsuin to Nagasaki Peace Bell Memorial August 9, 2019 Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light, Amida Buddha, as we gather for our 10th Annual Peace Walk from Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin to the Nagasaki Peace Bell illumine our hearts and minds with Wisdom and […]

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