Aspiration by Bishop Eric Matsumoto at “Remembering Pearl Harbor: Honoring Our WWII Heroes” presented on Zoom, December 7, 2020 RENE MANSHO: And please welcome a compassionate community leader, always promoting interfaith endeavors. Bishop Eric Matsumoto of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii will open our program with a special aspiration message. Bishop? BISHOP MATSUMOTO: Thank you, […]
Speakers and Rimban at Mary Foster Appreciation Service 2019: Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Venerable Dhammamuni Mahathero, Venerable Ayya M. Vimala, Rimban Toyokazu Hagio, and temple president Dexter Mar. Mary Elizabeth Mikahala Robinson Foster Remembrance Service Message By Bishop Eric Matsumoto December 15, 2019 | Hawaii Betsuin Aloha Kakou and Good Morning. I, too, would like to […]
A reflection offered by Bishop Eric Matsumoto USS Missouri June 29, 2019 In the nurturing presence of Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light/AMIDA, let us pause to reflect. In this world, there are many kinds of gifts that we can share with each other. However, when we deeply reflect the gifts which touch the heart-and-mind are […]
A reflection offered by Bishop Eric Matsumoto Nisei Veterans Memorial Center February 16, 2019 As we gather, today, at the Nisei Veterans Memorial Center (on Maui) for the Hawaii Premiere of the exhibit “Toyo: Behind the Glass Eye” which features photographs taken by Toyo Miyatake, let us take time to reflect and aspire. Although the […]
Bishop Matsumoto delivered this invocation at the Japanese Cultural Center of Hawaii on the eve of the opening of a national, traveling exhibit entitled Courage and Compassion: Our Shared Story of the Japanese American WWII Experience. Oh, Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light (AMIDA), as we gather for the opening of the Exhibit “Courage and Compassion, […]
A Tribute to Queen Lili’uokalani on the Occasion of Her 100th Anniversary at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, October 29, 2017 Dharma Message by Bishop Eric Matsumoto (A PDF version of the message is also available. For a news item with photos, see Hongwanji in Hawaii pays tribute to Queen Liliʻuokalani.) Please join in […]
An aspiration/reflection given by Bishop Eric Matsumoto at the USS Arizona Memorial on the occasion of the 75th Anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor.
2016 Hawaii Buddhist Council Memorial Day Message by Bishop Eric Matsumoto of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Today, as we gather for our Hawaii Buddhist Council Memorial Day Service, let us revisit the significance and purpose of Memorial Day. Memorial Day is a time when we remember and honor those who died in our […]
This message is from the Gomonshu, the spiritual head of our denomination based in Kyoto, Japan. The current Gomonshu is His Eminence Monshu Kojun Ohtani, the 25th-generation descendant of Shinran Shonin to head the Hongwanji. As a special observance expressing our wish for peace, I solemnly pay tribute to the memory of all those […]