Bishop’s Corner: ‘From the Mud, the Lotus Flower Blooms’ Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani September 2024 Ka Leo Kāhea newsletter Osono lived in Mikawa (present-day Aichi Prefecture) from 1777 to 1853. She got married at a young age and had two children, but unfortunately, both passed away early. This led her to seriously engage with the teachings […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto August 2020 “Bishop’s Corner” message from HQ Update As we slowly head towards the end of summer, it will soon be September when we observe the fall equinox. At the time of the autumn equinox, as with the spring equinox, balance and harmony is emphasized and closely associated with harmony is peace. […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto July 2020 Summer is here! However, it is unusually quiet this year. I wonder “Why?” I know. There’s no music in the air. I don’t hear “The beat of the taiko goes boom, boom, boom” for Bon Dance. Our circumstances this year, due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, prevents us from gathering at […]
Speakers and Rimban at Mary Foster Appreciation Service 2019: Bishop Eric Matsumoto, Venerable Dhammamuni Mahathero, Venerable Ayya M. Vimala, Rimban Toyokazu Hagio, and temple president Dexter Mar. Mary Elizabeth Mikahala Robinson Foster Remembrance Service Message By Bishop Eric Matsumoto December 15, 2019 | Hawaii Betsuin Aloha Kakou and Good Morning. I, too, would like to […]
Message from “Bishop’s Corner” HQ Update Newsletter August 2019 As Peace Day in Hawaii (September 21st) approaches and our various Hongwanji Shin Buddhist Temples prepare to spread the important message of peace, harmony, non-violence and reconciliation, and other community organizations also observe remembrances related to World War II in August and September, I would like […]
JOINT CONFERENCE LEADERSHIP WORKSHOP September 2, 2018 Presented by Pieper J. Toyama President, Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Embrace Change – Harmony (Accept Differences) Good afternoon. As I look out over this distinguished gathering, I can see what is on your minds. Many of you here today, and I am one of them, are thinking, […]
A Tribute to Queen Lili’uokalani on the Occasion of Her 100th Anniversary at Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin, October 29, 2017 Dharma Message by Bishop Eric Matsumoto (A PDF version of the message is also available. For a news item with photos, see Hongwanji in Hawaii pays tribute to Queen Liliʻuokalani.) Please join in […]
2017 Legislative Assembly Special Presentation on “Becoming A More Dharma-centered Organization” By Bishop Eric Matsumoto (Bolded by the author) Today, I would like to share what I see as the general solution to most, if not all, of our challenges. We must become an even more Dharma-centered Sangha! The answer may sound too simplistic, […]