December 2018 HQ Update thumbnail image

December 2018 Headquarters Update now available

See the December 2018 Headquarters Update for the following articles: Benediction for the 2018 Inauguration of the Governor and Lieutenant Governor 44th Annual Living Treasures of Hawaii Recognition Reservation Form – 2019 Legislative Assembly Aloha Luncheon and 44th Annual Living Treasures of Hawai’i™ Recognition HHMH Instagram Lives Remembered: A Tribute...

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November 2018 HQ Update thumbnail image

November 2018 Headquarters Update now available

See the November 2018 Headquarters Update for the following articles: In this issue: "A Humble Reflection" by Bishop Matsumoto on the tragedy at Tree of Life Synagogue in Pittsburgh 2019 Legislative Assembly: Feb. 8-9 at Hawaii Betsuin 2019 Legislative Assembly Aloha Luncheon & Living Treasures of Hawaii Recognition: Feb. 9...

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October 2018 HQ Update thumbnail image

October 2018 Headquarters Update now available

See the October 2018 Headquarters Update for the following articles: PBA Lighting Our Way Banquet Choralfest 2018 a Resounding Success 2018 Minister’s Lay Assistant Retreat Pacific Health Ministry’s 30th anniversary Affirmation rites 2019 Hawaii Kyodan calendar

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September 2018 HQ Update newsletter thumbnail image

September 2018 Headquarters Update now available

See the September 2018 Headquarters Update for the following articles: Hongwanji Joint Conference Obituary: Reverend Kenjyo Ohara HHMH Minister’s Lay Assistant Retreat: October 12-14 at BSC Anniversary Celebrations for Kailua, Wahiawa, and Jikoen temples Ryukoku University Graduate School Hawaii Seminar 6-week RSG Educational Program at PBA with 18 Japanese Students...

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a bodhi tree leaf with "Dharma Light Program: Illuminating the Buddhist Path"

BSC releases new Dharma Light Program class schedule

The September-December 2018 class schedule for the Buddhist Study Center’s Dharma Light Program is now available. Courses include three introductory series in the “ABCs of Buddhism,” offered at the Buddhist Study Center, Aiea Hongwanji, and Kailua Hongwanji respectively. Also offered is a one-day, two-lecture presentation on “Revisiting Yemyo Imamura’s Discourses...

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August 2018 HQ Update newsletter p. 1 thumbnail

August 2018 Headquarters Update now available

See the August 2018 Headquarters Update for the following articles: Jinji – Ministerial Assignments (Rev. Bruce Nakamura) Urasenke Gannennmono Kenchashiki (Tea Ceremony Performed at Hawaii Betsuin) BWA Exchange Students from Japan Honouliuli Bon Service 2018 Peace Day Interfaith Celebration Friday, September 21, 2018, 6:30 p.m. at Hawaii Betsuin Ryukoku University...

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