This item originally appeared in the March 2024 HQ Update.
Triple Celebration Early Registration Deadline Extension
We are pleased to inform you that we will extend the Triple Celebration early registration deadline to April 30, 2024.

Please register for the Triple Celebration and let’s celebrate this joyous occasion together.
We are offering two types of registration methods:
The first is online registration and payment. Please go to the following link and fill out the registration form: https://hongwanjihawaii.com/triple-celebration/
The second is a paper registration form. Please fill out the form and mail it to H.Q. with a check.
The early registration deadline is April 30,2024 and the registration fee is $250.
The late registration deadline is July 31, 2024 and the registration fee is $300.
The youth registration deadline is July 31, 2024 and registration fee is $150 for those 25 years old or younger.
The registration cost includes one breakfast, one lunch banquet, services, workshops, and panel discussion.
We will provide a $200 subsidy per person for neighbor island participants.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email triple.celebration@honpahi.org or contact HQ.