New Year’s Day (Shusho-e)

New Year’s Day services, or Susho-E, are gatherings to reflect upon and learn from past mistakes, express gratitude for countless blessings, and resolve to live a life in the Nembutsu. Let us begin a new year, every day, as we walk together with Amida Buddha. – Takako Hashimoto

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BSC Summer Session with Dr. Kenneth Tanaka

The Buddhist Study Center presents Summer Session 2018 “Everyday Buddhism for a Happy, Meaningful Life” with Dr. Kenneth Tanaka Dr. Tanaka will draw upon his renowned book, Ocean, a forthcoming book, Jewels: An Introduction to Buddhism for American Youth, Scouts and the Young at Heart, and a lifetime of teaching...

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Autumn Higan

“Higan” means “the other shore.” It is an abbreviation for “to-higan,” meaning “reaching the other shore (of nirvana).” During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes when days and nights are of equal length, temples conduct Higan services that encourage us to meditate on the harmony of nature and devote ourselves to...

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Spring Higan

“Higan” means “the other shore.” It is an abbreviation for “to-higan,” meaning “reaching the other shore (of Nirvana).” During the vernal and autumnal equinoxes when days and nights are of equal length, temples conduct Higan services that encourage us to meditate on the harmony of nature and devote ourselves to...

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Bodhi Day

This is the day to commemorate Sakyamuni Buddha’s attainment of Awakening under the Bodhi tree. The day signifies the dawn of humanity’s universal emancipation from suffering and unawareness. Temples hold special services on or near this date, sometimes joining with sanghas (temple communities) of other traditions.

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