Aspiration by Bishop Eric Matsumoto
Annual Peace Walk from Hawaii Betsuin to Nagasaki Peace Bell Memorial
August 9, 2019
Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light, Amida Buddha, as we gather for our 10th Annual Peace Walk from Honpa Hongwanji Hawaii Betsuin to the Nagasaki Peace Bell illumine our hearts and minds with Wisdom and Compassion so we may be able to reflect, come to some life-changing realizations which has the potential of transforming the world and contributing to lasting peace and happiness.
As we lament about the suffering that is being experienced around the world, let us take a deeper look at ourselves and the world. Many times, as we look at situations of our life and world, we focus only on the conditions. However, with the Wisdom of Enlightenment to guide us, let us see the need to become aware of the deeper causes of suffering together with the conditions. Any fix by only addressing the conditions will be good only as long as the conditions do not change, but by addressing the cause of suffering we can snip the suffering at its root.
It is, indeed, most difficult for us humans, people, to look at our own selves. My ego does not want to reveal itself even to its own self. With Enlightened Wisdom to guide, we are able to understand that the true cause of suffering in the world is ignorance and the afflictions which arise from it like arrogance, anger, greed, envy, self-centeredness, fear and so forth. Unless, we address the root cause of ignorance and these afflictions we will continue to be plagued by negatives which in its extreme forms result in so much devastation, destruction and even loss of life which our normal minds cannot even fathom unless one has experienced it or seen it for oneself. Hence, the importance of listening to voices of those who have experienced the worst of humankind.
However, at the same time, we must also hear the voices, the Wisdom and Compassion, of those who have attained the highest levels of attainment, so we have hope, can aspire and begin to walk the path of peace and harmony. Thus, today, regardless of religious affiliation or even if you do not have one, let us also embrace Wisdom and Compassion which aspires for the peace and happiness of not only one, a few, or many, but all life, all existence.
May we be guided by an All-Inclusive Wisdom and All-Embracing Compassion which in the Tradition of this temple is known as the Buddha of Immeasurable Life and Infinite Light whose Name is Namo Amida Butsu. May we be guided and our path be illuminated by a Presence which goes beyond our ego as a person, nation, religion, and even as humankind to realize true interdependence and realize the common wish of all life, all existence to be happy and safe. Amida Buddha may your Light of Wisdom and Compassion guide, nurture and inspire us!
Namo Amida Butsu. Namo Amida Butsu. Namo Amida Butsu.
See also
10th Annual Peace Walk to Nagasaki Peace Bell Memorial (Hawaii Betsuin website)