The Gomonshu is the spiritual head of our denomination based in Kyoto, Japan. The current Gomonshu is His Eminence Monshu Kojun Ohtani, the 25th-generation descendant of Shinran Shonin to head the Hongwanji. Here is his New Year’s message. See Also 2025 New Year’s Message from Bishop Toshiyuki Umitani 2025 New Year’s Message from President Warren […]
Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha is the mother temple of the Nishi Hongwanji branch of Jodo Shin Buddhism. This statement from the Governor General was originally distributed in Japanese on November 17, 2023. Honpa Hongwani Mission of Hawaii received an official English translation on April 15, 2024. Both versions are available on this page. The statement is […]
Aspiration Delivered at the 2022 Nagasaki Peace Bell Gathering Bishop Eric Matsumoto August 9, 2022 As we gather today, regardless of national origin, ethnicity and religious affiliation, let us reflect and rededicate ourselves to world peace and harmony, to a world that is free of nuclear weapons of destruction and there is deep respect for […]
The following statement by Chiko Iwagami, Governor General, Jodo Shinshu Hongwanji-ha was released March 8, 2022. On February 24, 2022, Russia aggressively began its invasion of Ukraine through military force. It has been reported that in cities across Ukraine, many civilians including children have become victims in addition to the well over one million […]
Photo by Martin Falbisoner – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0. source A Plea to Fellow Americans Bishop Eric Matsumoto January 7, 2021 Yesterday, on January 6, 2021, we witnessed a shocking and reprehensible attack on our democracy. The aggression and violence that was exhibited is a far cry from the ideals of our Nation. We […]
Aspiration by Bishop Eric Matsumoto at “Remembering Pearl Harbor: Honoring Our WWII Heroes” presented on Zoom, December 7, 2020 RENE MANSHO: And please welcome a compassionate community leader, always promoting interfaith endeavors. Bishop Eric Matsumoto of Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii will open our program with a special aspiration message. Bishop? BISHOP MATSUMOTO: Thank you, […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto “Bishop’s Corner” message from the October 2020 HQ Update Available in both video and text. Are you confused? In doubt? Feeling uncertain? If you are, do not despair. You are not alone. Have you heard of the Kalama Sutta (translation from Pali by the Venerable Soma Thera)? In Ancient India, during the […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto August 2020 “Bishop’s Corner” message from HQ Update As we slowly head towards the end of summer, it will soon be September when we observe the fall equinox. At the time of the autumn equinox, as with the spring equinox, balance and harmony is emphasized and closely associated with harmony is peace. […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto June 17, 2020 A further reflection on our troubled nation from a Jodo Shinshu perspective Today, further reflecting on the situation of racial discrimination and law enforcement in our nation which continue to, in some instances, involve violent acts and most tragically the continued loss of human life, may we go to […]
Bishop Eric Matsumoto June 1, 2020 A reflection on our troubled nation For the past several days, as I confront the feelings, some of which I am feeling too, of frustration, lament, sadness, and anger being felt by many in our country over the senseless death of George Floyd and others, my heart aches for […]