Update on Maui — Transition from Emergency Response to Recovery/Rebuilding
An update on donations received, a site visit by FEMA, and the newly organized Lahaina Hongwanji Recovery and Rebuilding Committee.
An update on donations received, a site visit by FEMA, and the newly organized Lahaina Hongwanji Recovery and Rebuilding Committee.
As the re-entry restriction to zone 12B was lifted for the residents of Lahaina on Monday, November 27, 2023, Rev. Ai Hironaka, Business Manager Derrick Inouye, and I returned to the Lahaina Hongwanji Mission for the first time since the wildfire devastated the town of Lahaina on August 8, 2023.
Bowing in Gratitude Members at Lahaina Hongwanji Mission were prepping that week for the upcoming Obon Festival on August 11th and 12th. It is ironic and poignant that we fretted a little about possible rain from Hurricane Dora. Then, on Tuesday the 8th the winds came… and the rest of...
The Maui Wildfires Memorial Service which was held on September 24, 2023, is now available to watch on YouTube. The video is embedded below, or you may view it on the Honpa Hongwanji Mission of Hawaii Youtube channel at https://youtu.be/clyxKab2un0. It was a great service and touched all of our...
September 28, 2023 The Maui Wildfire engulfed the Lahaina Hongwanji Mission on August 8, 2023. As of today, the Resident Minister, Reverend Ai Hironaka, President Aileen Cockett, and the temple members were not permitted to enter the temple property. Therefore, the Office of the Bishop is unable to provide you...
September 15, 2023 In the few short weeks since we launched the Maui Wildfire Disaster Relief Fund, we have raised over $400,000 as of 9/12/2023! Mahalo for your generous contributions as we support our Dharma friends and Maui residents affected by the devastating wildfires. The outpouring of aloha has been...
STATUS REPORT OF THE HONPA HONGWANJI MISSION OF HAWAII’S MAUI WILDFIRE EMERGENCY RESPONSE AD HOC COMMITTEE September 7, 2023 The Maui wildfires have resulted in significant loss of life and property with far-reaching and unimaginable impacts. The overwhelming response of individuals and organizations (such as FEMA and Hawaii Community Foundation)...
Reverend Ai Hironaka, the resident minister of Lahaina Hongwanji Mission, shared a message for the statewide vigil, “Kipuni Aloha no Maui- Embrace Beloved Maui,” on September 1st in Ka‘anapali, Maui.
The Bishop’s Office is reaching out to Lahaina Hongwanji members to share that Kahului Hongwanji, Makawao Hongwanji, and Wailuku Hongwanji are providing the following services and activities. We are sharing the information here too. Kahului Hongwanji Kahului Hongwanji Tuesday Gathering Every Tuesday from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. Kahului Hongwanji...
浄土真宗本願寺派では被災地を支援するため、「たすけあい運動募金」において「ハワイ・マウイ島大規模火災 災害義援金」の募集を開始しております。